About Me

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Hanford, Ca, United States
I am from the Fresno Diocese. I am 24 years of age. I produce my own Catholic rap music. I also study and teach Apologetics. I teach confirmation class at my hometown parish, Immaculate heart of Mary. I have my own book not offically published entitled, "He built it, I defend it" What every Catholic should know. I studied one year at Mt. Angel seminary. Keeping an open mind set letting God guide me.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Youth Motivational Speech

For those of you that might be thinking that your not experienced enough or not educated enough to help out the church, I want you to realize something. Jesus Christ did not call Kings and Rulers to be his apostles. He did not call the rich or educated to be among the twelve. He called the simple, he called the poor, he called the un-educated to be his leaders. Not saying this is you, what I am saying is don’t think your not worthy to do Gods work. Don’t think your not smart enough, and don’t think because you’re a sinner that you cant be chosen by God. If this were the case we wouldn’t have a church today. Jesus gave his apostles the grace to learn how to preach his word. He will not lead you to battle and leave you alone. God is calling you to be his hands and his feet. To be his voice and his love in the world. God does not call those who are prepared, he prepares those who are called. God will not give you a task you can’t handle.
God is not calling you to be a Saint like St. Francis or St. Cecilia, all though they are great Saints. He is not calling you to be like them. He is calling you to be your own Saint. My close friend once told me , “Becoming a Saint is becoming who God called you to be.” It’s not hard to be holy, it’s simply being the person God calls you to be. Which means be YOU! Be you for God’s kingdom.
Everyone usually gives me a hard time saying I’m too “Gangster looking” or look too much like a “thug” or something. It use to bug me, until God told me not to change. Not to change because he calls his children from all different backgrounds, to make sure all the different areas are being preached too. Be who you are, but for God. Don’t let nothing or no one stop you from serving God. When we answer to God on judgment day we can’t blame anyone else for us not serving him.
God gave you talents and gifts, we must use them for his kingdom and not let them go to waste. So hear me when I say…..
"If you got a dream, protect it! People want to tell you that you can't do something because they can't do it. If you want something, go and get it. Period." -Pursuit to happiness
"If you know what your worth, then go out and get what your worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits! It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward! That's how winnig is done!"-Rocky
The reason I quoted these lines is because no matter how hard you try to live for God. Someone or something will try to bring you down or try to stop you. We can't give up at the first sight of trouble.