About Me

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Hanford, Ca, United States
I am from the Fresno Diocese. I am 24 years of age. I produce my own Catholic rap music. I also study and teach Apologetics. I teach confirmation class at my hometown parish, Immaculate heart of Mary. I have my own book not offically published entitled, "He built it, I defend it" What every Catholic should know. I studied one year at Mt. Angel seminary. Keeping an open mind set letting God guide me.

Scriptures for Vocations

Mark1:17,   Isaiah 6:6-8,   Jeremiah 1:4-9,   Jeremiah 20:7-9,   1 Samuel 3:1-10,   Matthew 9: 9 and 35-38,   Matthew 10:1-5,   Matthew 20:25-28,   Mark 10:17-30,   Luke 5:1-11,   Luke 9:57-62,   Luke 10:1-9,   Luke 14:25-33,   John 10:11-16,   John 12:24-46,   John 15:9-17,   John 20:19-23,   John 21:15-17, Acts 6:1-7,   Romans 12:4-8,   2 Corinthians 4:1-2 and 5-7,   2 Corinthians 5:14-20,   Ephesians 4:1-7 and 11-13,   Philippians 3:8-14,   Hebrews 5:1-10,   1 Timothy 4:12-16,   2 Timothy 1:6-14,   1 Peter 4:7-11,   1 Peter5:1-4.

Ask yourself, where God is calling you today? What talents and gifts has God given you to serve him? Can you be called to the priesthood? Pray about it and be open to it. Every vocation is equally important to the kingdom of God.