About Me

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Hanford, Ca, United States
I am from the Fresno Diocese. I am 24 years of age. I produce my own Catholic rap music. I also study and teach Apologetics. I teach confirmation class at my hometown parish, Immaculate heart of Mary. I have my own book not offically published entitled, "He built it, I defend it" What every Catholic should know. I studied one year at Mt. Angel seminary. Keeping an open mind set letting God guide me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Church and my place in it.

The Church and my place in it.

Every person has a place in the church, these positions in the church change as life goes on.
Weather your taking classes or teaching the classes, that is your position. Baptism, Catechism, Confirmation, Marriage and so on. These being vocations or not, they are positions where people stand in the church.
The youth have their own place in the church as well. The youth can do many things for the church. The main thing we need to know is the youth is the future of the church. If our youth are not studying the church, strengthening their spiritual life or even as simple as being a practicing catholic, our church will suffer for it tomorrow.
From the babies to our Pope, everyone had a place in the church.

Jesus tells us in scripture that the church is looked at as a human body. The eye is not the noise and the arm is not the leg. But they are just as important as the other.
He also tells us that when the hand hurts, the whole body feels pain. When the eyes don’t work, they whole body suffers.
So if people start to slack off in the church, they are not knowing it but making the rest of the body of the church suffer as well.
Everyone has a vocation to live out, as you are on your way to fulfill that vocation, you are being active in your place in the church.

For example. A couple that is dating becomes engaged and about to get married. When they are in the process of engagement, that is their place in the church as of then.
      (Or) Seminarians, There job is to study to become priest. Studying for the priesthood is their temporary vocation, the priesthood is their final vocation. In order to reach that vocation they have to go through the process of their place in the church as seminarians first.
God doesn’t call us to just date our whole lives, or be seminarians our whole lives. God calls us to a vocation. But the process to reach that vocation may be dating or being a seminarian. So taking your place in the church is not as hard as you think.

It can be as easy as helping in catechism classes. Or helping father in mass or clean up the church. Don’t think that being a part of the church means you have to take on some big role or do overloaded things. If everyone does there little part in the church and take their place in the church then big things will happen.
Look at some of the gift’s God has given you, and apply those gifts for his church. If you can cook, help cook at events. If you can teach, help someone teach or teach a class yourself. If you can pick up a chair or make a sign to put on a wall, help with that.

 Everyone is a part of the body of the church, don’t let your body part be useless.

 So remember, everyone has a place in the church. Everyone has a job to do. God didn’t put you here to do nothing. He put each and everyone of us here for a unique and different reason.


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