About Me

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Hanford, Ca, United States
I am from the Fresno Diocese. I am 24 years of age. I produce my own Catholic rap music. I also study and teach Apologetics. I teach confirmation class at my hometown parish, Immaculate heart of Mary. I have my own book not offically published entitled, "He built it, I defend it" What every Catholic should know. I studied one year at Mt. Angel seminary. Keeping an open mind set letting God guide me.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Passover and Last Supper

How does the Passover and the Last Supper relate to each other and why would we relate them to each other? This is a good question; let's look into scripture to see what we can find.

Exodus 12:5 = the lamb must be a year old male and without blemish. The lamb must be unblemished. These types of sacrifices were for the cleansing of sins.

John 1:29= Behold, the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. We see here Christ is the Lamb of God and takes away sins.

1 Peter 1:18-19= but with the precious blood of Christ as of spotless unblemished lamb. We see here he was the unblemished lamb.

Now let's look more into the celebration that took place.

Exodus 12:14= "This day shall be a memorial feast for you, which all your generations shall celebrate with pilgrimage to the Lord, as a perpetual institution." A feast is being done with this unblemished lamb, and it will be perpetual.

Luke 22:19= "This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me" Both were done in memory. This had to be actually preformed by the people.

1 Corinthians 5:8= Therefore, let us celebrate the feast, we can see here it was also called a feast.
Exodus 12:44 and 48, this gives the regulations of who can partake in this meal. It says no slave or alien can be a part of it unless they were circumcised. As we seen in the New Testament baptism replaced circumcision. We must be baptized in the Catholic Church to be able to receive at the celebration of mass.
Exodus 12:46, talks about how the lamb must be eaten inside and none of it taken out of the house. As Catholics we must receive the body of Christ in the church and not take it outside or save it for later. The only way the body of Christ can be taken out of the church is for the sick who couldn’t attend mass or special events as this. This is only one example of many.

Exodus 12:46 also says none of its bones could be broken. Numbers 9:12 also says no bones of the lamb must be broken.

As we see in John 19:31-36, they did not break any of his bones.

Exodus 12:22 says to take a brand of hyssop and dip it in the blood and put it over the door post so the angel of death would not be upon them.

John 19:29-30, says that they soaked in wine a sprig of hyssop and Christ drank it. When he did this he said "It is finished" just as the Jews would do.


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